About Relationships Australia
About Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia promotes the importance of respectful relationships for both individual mental health and general community outcomes, and through our advocacy we strive to influence policy, systems and services that empower everyone in Australia to build and maintain respect in all their relationships.
Our research is relevant and purposeful, and informs continuous improvement in the services and supports provided across Australia.
Respectful Relationships
We support the development and nurturing of respectful relationships, which has proven to be a crucial foundation for mental health, general wellbeing, and overall resilience.
Relationships Australia has, for over 70 years, provided a range of relationship services to Australian families, including individual, couple and family group counselling, dispute resolution, services to older people, children’s services, services for victims and perpetrators of family violence, and relationship and professional education. We aim to support all people in Australia to live with positive and respectful relationships and believe that people have the capacity to change how they relate to others and develop better health and wellbeing. For access to services near you, click here.
We respect the rights of all people, in all their diversity, to live life fully and meaningfully within their families and communities with dignity and safety, and to enjoy respectful relationships. A commitment to fundamental human rights, to be recognised universally and without discrimination, underpins our work.
Relationships Australia is committed to:
- Working in regional, rural and remote areas, recognising that there are fewer resources available to people in these areas and that they live with pressures, complexities and uncertainties not experienced by those living in cities and regional centres.
- Collaboration. We work collectively with local and peak body organisations to deliver a spectrum of prevention, early and tertiary intervention programs with people of all genders, including older people, young people and children. We recognise that some families need a complex suite of supports (for example, family support programs, mental health services, gambling services, drug and alcohol services, and housing).
- Enriching family relationships, and encouraging clear and respectful communication.
- Ensuring that services are accessible, including ensuring that social and financial disadvantage is no barrier to accessing services.
- Contributing its practice evidence and skills to research projects, the development of public policy, and the provision of compassionate and effective supports to families.
- Supporting social connection and the building of sustainable respectful relationships through our social connection campaign, Neighbour Day.
We advocate for respectful relationships across all levels of society. Relationships Australia advocates across many stakeholder groups via policy, research, media and community engagement.
On issues impacting the work of Relationships Australia and the broader sector, Relationships Australia engages in ongoing advocacy with relevant Government departments and key stakeholders at the national, state and local levels.
As an important component of this advocacy, Relationships Australia engages with a range of Parliamentary Inquiries, Royal Commissions and other government consultations. Drawing on the expertise and experience of practitioners across the country, and building on evidence collected over 70 years of delivering services to vulnerable Australians, we are proud to contribute to the development of public policy in Australia supporting the provision of compassionate and effective services for families.
We also enjoy a positive working relationship with media outlets across the country, contributing practice experience and insights to inform the national discussion on topics impacting our clients and all Australians.
We conduct relevant research across a broad range of topics in regards to relationships. At times we partner with universities and other organisations, working locally and internationally to support further understandings of relationships.
Relationships Australia is committed to research and the use of data and practice evidence to inform Australia’s social policy landscape. Through a combination of unique research projects and partnerships with universities, we are proud to contribute our skills and experience to enhance the understanding of issues impacting Australians.
In addition to formal studies, Relationships Australia runs surveys throughout the year on topics of relevance to our clients and all Australians. Results from these surveys inform further understanding around key areas of interest at timely points in Australia’s history.
Relationships Australia believes that a strong commitment to data and evidence-informed policy and service design will generate the best outcomes for Australia and Australians.
Locations across Australia
Relationships Australia member organisations provide support services across all Australian states and territories, including in regional and remote areas.
We are here to support you.
Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances.
Please click on your state or territory to find support services near you
Our Values
At Relationships Australia we believe that respectful relationships are essential for the wellbeing of children, families, individuals and communities. These principles underpin our work.

We believe everyone should live with dignity and safety.

Respectful Relationships
We support the development and nurturing of respectful relationships

Social justice
We are committed to social justice and inclusion.

We respect and support the rights of all people and relationship types, in all their diversity.
Our History
Relationships Australia has been providing services and supports to Australians for over 75 years.
Social services commenced in Australian states and territories under the shared brand “Marriage Guidance Council” to support, in particular, the family relationships of soldiers returning to Australia post World War II
The federation of Marriage Guidance Councils voted to rename to Relationships Australia, in response to social shifts in late 20th-century society, and reflecting the broad scope of services provided
Government funding established for Family Relationship Centres. 66 have since been established across Australia, over one third of which are operated by Relationships Australia and various consortium partners
Relationships Australia Governance
Relationships Australia national office is governed by a Board, consisting of the eight Chief Executive Officers of the state and territory member organisations. The National Executive Officer leads a dedicated team at the national office, focused on advocacy, policy, research, campaigns and supporting the Relationships Australia federation.

Dr Michael Kelly
National Board Chair

Natasha Rae
National Board Deputy Chair

Terri-ann Maney
Northern Territory
National Board Treasurer

Dr Andrew Bickerdike
National Board member

Dr Stephanie Hodson
Canberra & Region
National Board member

Dr Claire Ralfs
South Australia
National Board member

Danielle Newport
Western Australia
National Board member

Elisabeth Shaw
New South Wales
National Board member

Nick Tebbey
National Executive Officer
Annual Reports
The Relationships Australia National Annual Report reflects the work of the National Office and includes highlights from across the Relationships Australia federation. Most member organisations also produce their own Annual Reports, which are accessible via their websites.
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Relationships Australia Annual Report
Annual Report 2020
Relationships Australia Annual Report
Annual Report 2019
Relationships Australia Annual Report
Friends and Partnerships
Relationships Australia works collaboratively with a number of respected organisations across Australia, and internationally. Below is a list of organisations and providers we currently work with at the national level.
Family and Relationship Services Australia (FRSA)
The national peak body for family and relationship services
Families Australia
Families Australia is a national, not-for-profit peak organisation that strives to improve the wellbeing of Australian families
Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS)
The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) is an Australian organisation that advocates for action to reduce poverty and inequality and is the peak body for the community services sector in Australia.
Mental Health Australia
Mental Health Australia is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector
Suicide Prevention Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body for the suicide prevention sector
Every Age Counts
EveryAGE Counts is an advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism against older Australians
Ending Loneliness Together
Relationships Australia is a founding member of Ending Loneliness Together, which is comprised of organisations with the common goal of helping create a world where ‘every single person feels a sense of connection and belonging’.
Elder Abuse Action Australia
Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) is the national voice for action to eliminate elder abuse through systemic advocacy and policy development, best practice and research, and education and capacity building.
Neighbour Day Ambassadors
Relationships Australia is proud to work with a number of passionate ambassadors in our Neighbour Day campaign.
Neighbour Day Very Neighbourly Organisations
Relationships Australia’s Neighbour Day campaign welcomes the many Very Neighbourly Organisations who have joined us in connecting communities.
Relationships Australia is a federation of state organisations and each state employs staff independently. For information on current vacancies visit the relevant Relationships Australia website in each state.
Featured Position
Child Counsellor and Therapeutic Case Manager – Traralgon
(Traralgon) VIC
- Key clinical position providing mental health support for children and families
- Join a passionate team providing positive and respectful relationship support
- Part-time 3 days per week located in Traralgon