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Human Rights and Social Movements

Racism it stops with me

This statement reflects our collective support in the campaign to end racism.

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Families and Children

Statement on Families

Relationships Australia works with many and diverse families who seek support to help them face the challenges and complexities of family life.

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Family Domestic and Sexual Violence

Family Violence Statement

This statement reflects our collective position on family violence.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Statement

This statement reflects our collective position on mental health and wellbeing.

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Human Rights and Social Movements

Marriage Equality Statement

This statement reflects our collective position on marriage equality.

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Families and Children

The Homestretch Campaign

This statement outlines our collective support for the provision of out-of-home care and housing extended until the age of 21.

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Human Rights and Social Movements

Vulnerability and Disadvantage Statement

This statement reflects our collective position on vulnerability and disadvantage.

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