Relationships Australia Blog

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Personal connection in the new world 

Personal connection in the new world 

Guest blog by Dr Leanne Beagley, Chief Executive Officer - Mental Health Australia It is a new world. The pandemic has left us with a new appreciation of our home and work spaces. It has left us with increased recognition of the important contribution school makes to...

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Neighbours Every Day
Neighbour Day: Connecting Communities for 20 years

Neighbour Day: Connecting Communities for 20 years

By Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer, National Office February 2022 When I was growing up in the suburbs of Adelaide in South Australia, we knew our nearby neighbours well. The kids would play in the street together, and our parents would lend each other a hand:...

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Neighbours Every Day
Neighbour Day Research – What we’ve learnt over the years

Neighbour Day Research – What we’ve learnt over the years

Neighbour Day Research 2016 – 2022 By Claire Fisher, Senior research and projects officer, National Office January 2022 Relationships Australia has been the custodian of the Neighbour Day campaign since 2014. Much has changed in the world since then, and with that,...

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Families and Children
Family Connect – Connecting Families in Four Practical Steps

Family Connect – Connecting Families in Four Practical Steps

Relationships Australia is proud to announce its custodianship of the popular Family Connect program aimed at increasing emotional well-being and encouraging families to connect in practical and meaningful ways. The Program, created by Uplifting Australia, is a four...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Managing Loneliness

Loneliness is not a single emotion, but rather a cluster of emotions.[1] Being lonely can feel like grief, jealously, sadness, shame or anger. This suggests that loneliness is a very personal experience and reactions to loneliness can vary. Despite this, almost...

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Neighbours Every Day
Our neighbours

Our neighbours

By Helen, Relationships Australia QLD - Tell Us Your Story 2016, Staff Winner I’d like to share what being a neighbour means for us working in the Valley, inner-city Brisbane. Just days ago Johnno*, a local homeless man, died on the street corner across from our...

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Relationships Australia can help you during COVID-19

By Claire Fisher, Research and projects officer, National Office 11 May 2020   Since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions were put in place, many have felt inundated with information about what might happen, who it will effect and how long it may last for....

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Supporting healthy relationships during COVID-19

As a trusted, leading provider of relationships services for over 70 years, Relationships Australia continues to support all people in Australia to live with positive and respectful relationships. In light of current circumstances, Relationships Australia is committed...

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COVID-19 and supporting healthy relationships in Australia

COVID-19 and supporting healthy relationships in Australia

Relationships Australia acknowledges that right across the country, Australians are facing unprecedented times. We are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and the strength we draw from each other, from our relationships and our wider communities, has never been more...

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Neighbours Every Day
We’re All In This Together – Neighbour Day

We’re All In This Together – Neighbour Day

By Nick Tebbey, National Executive Officer, Relationships Australia 24 March 2020 The concept of what it means to be a neighbour is changing, both as a result of advances in technology and in response to rapidly changing world events. Today, a ‘neighbour’ can include...

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Neighbours Every Day
Creating a village through play

Creating a village through play

By Playgroup Australia* 11 March 2020 They say raising a child takes a village, but our villages have become smaller, more complicated and less connected. Playgroup Australia is looking to change that. Every year, playgroups across Australia open their doors during...

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Neighbours Every Day
Children need friendly communities

Children need friendly communities

By Helen Fogarty National Communications Manager NAPCAN* 27 Feb 2020 The bus driver…  There’s a story that often comes up in discussion at NAPCAN. We’re not sure where it came from. We’re not sure if it’s entirely true. But it always helps us to explain the power of...

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Neighbours Every Day

From neighbours, to volunteering together, to best friends

By Georgie Cardillo, Deputy Controller at the VICSES* Euroa Unit 13 February 2020. Keith Barns and James (Jim) Cerini have been neighbours for almost seven years. As soon as Jim moved next door to Keith he jumped at the chance to meet his new neighbour and introduce...

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Neighbours Every Day

Nextdoor Australia

We’d love to welcome aboard our newest ‘Very Neighbourly Organisation’, Nextdoor Australia! Jennie Sager, Australia’s Country Manager for the world’s largest neighbourhood network, Nextdoor, sat down with us here at Neighbour Day to talk about the synergy between our...

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Neighbours Every Day

Love, heroism, generosity and community

By Alison Brook | Chief Executive Officer | Relationships Australia Canberra and Region Writing from the ACT at a time when we’ve had extensive fires for more than a month in several states across Australia, and devastation in the past week over large tracts of the...

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Neighbours Every Day

Measuring Neighbourhood Liveability – by people, for people!

By Ainsley Milton, Account Manager Place Score There are lots of ways government and business measure neighbourhood liveability, but only one that is measured by people living there! At Place Score we take a ‘human-centric’ approach to measure liveability by capturing...

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Neighbours Every Day

Problem + Problem = Solution

We interviewed CEO Anthony Chesler about the amazing work of Thread Together and this is what he had to say. What can you tell us about Thread Together? Millions of items of unsold, brand-new clothing are dumped by stores into landfill every year. As a society we...

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